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“ASAN service” among leaders

The world's leading consulting and audit company "Pricewaterhouse Coopers" (PwC) analyzed the operation of the multifunction centers rendering public services within the “one stop shop” principle which situated in the largest 18 cities.


The world's leading consulting and audit company "Pricewaterhouse Coopers" (PwC) analyzed the operation of the multifunction centers rendering public services within the “one stop shop” principle which situated in the largest 18 cities.

The world's leading consulting and audit company "Pricewaterhouse Coopers" (PwC) analyzed the operation of the multifunction centers rendering public services within the “one stop shop” principle which situated in the largest 18 cities. 

According to the research titled “Comparative analysis of the center of delivery of public and municipal services” conducted by PwC, citizens can easily get permissions and references in Baku, Moscow and Sao Paulo.

In terms of such indicators as queue management, the most convenient center and dialogue with a citizen at the “ASAN service” centers of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku was enrolled to the list of leaders.

At the same time, it was mentioned in the research that telephone hotline is available in all cities but operative feedback remote operates only in Baku, Moscow and Helsinki.

It should be noted, that evaluation was conducted through four criteria (accessibility of the services, comfort, management of the queue, feedback) in the following cities:

Baku (Azerbaijan), Moscow (Russia), Madrid (Spain), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Berlin (Germany), London (England), Seoul (South Korea), Sydney (Australia), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Toronto (Canada ), Athens (Greece), Astana (Kazakhstan), Budapest (Hungary), Bangalore (India), Auckland (New Zealand), Helsinki (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden), Santiago (Chile).

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