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Səyyar ASAN xidmət Maştağa və Beyləqanda

Səyyar ASAN xidmət 24 aprel – 3 may tarixində Sabunçu rayonunun Maştağa qəsəbəsində, 26 aprel – 15 may tarixində isə Beyləqan şəhərində vətəndaşlara səyyar formada xidmət göstərəcək.

Also, mobile buses will be at the service of citizens from March 28 to April 26 in the cities of Tovuz, Gakh, Astara, Yevlakh, from March 29 to April 26 in the city of Salyan, from April 15 to 29 in the settlement of Novkhani in the Absheron region, from April 17 to May 16 in the city of Siyazan, and the mobile ASAN train will be at the service of citizens from April 14 to 28 in the settlement of Dallar in the Shamkir region.

The services provided in a mobile manner are provided by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population and the State Committee for Property Issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

These services include the following:

  • Notary activities;
  • State registration of civil status acts;
  • Issuance and replacement of identity cards;
  • Issuance and replacement of general passports;
  • Replacement of driving licenses;
  • Determination of labor pensions;
  • Issuance of extracts and technical passports on the initial and repeated state registration of property rights over apartments;
  • Issuance of certificates from the state register regarding the description of real estate, state-registered rights and their restrictions (encumbrances);
  • Issuance of extracts and technical passports on re-state registration of property rights over individual residential buildings.

The main goals of implementing the mobile ASAN service are to provide public services to citizens in more convenient, new and innovative ways, to ensure accessibility for citizens, and to achieve citizen satisfaction.


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