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“Mobile ASAN service” in Khachmaz district.

The “Mobile ASAN service” bus has been providing services for citizens at 13 H.Z. Taghiyev Street, Khachmaz city, since September 2

In Khachmaz district, mobile service was provided a total of 21 times: 18 times through the “Mobile Service” bus and 3 times via the “ASAN” train. During this period 67 731 citizens used the “Mobile Service” bus, and 11 502 citizens utilized the “ASAN” train.
The mobile services are provided by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy.
The next stop of the “Mobile ASAN service” bus will be in Siyazan district, which is currently operating in Khachmaz city since its launch in 2013, the “Mobile ASAN service” has served over 3 million citizens, with more than 110 000 citizens utilizing the service in during the year 2024.
It should be noted that in regions where “ASAN Service” centers are not available, services are provided to the population in a mobile format through 10 specially equipped buses. The main purposes are to deliver state services to citizens in a more convenient, new, and innovative way to ensure accessibility for citizens, and to achieve citizen satisfaction. 

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