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Mobile monitoring by Labor Relations Monitoring Center has been continuing

The mobile monitoring at construction companies relating to “Regulation of unofficial labor relations in construction" by the Center for Monitoring of Labor Relations of the State Agency for Citizens Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been continuing.

case of necessity Mobile monitoring groups of the center implements mobile monitoring to the construction objects.

So far, 39 mobile monitorings has been carried out. During the period of monitorings, 1528 individuals were checked, 475 of them were involved in the implementation of work (service) without a labor contract or service (civilian) contract. Since the beginning of the monitoring, construction companies engaged in the construction of multifunctional residential buildings in Baku have signed 18,452 new labor contracts.

The Labor Monitoring Center warns, considering that mobile monitoring is continuing, that labor contracts should be electronically documented, and labor contracting systems should not be involved in the construction site until the contract is in force. The involvement of a number of employees (ten and more persons) in the any work (services) without the labor contract in the order envisaged by the Labor Code, will be punished by a fine of seven thousand to ten thousand manats or imprisonment for the term up to three years is expected.

Monitoring conducted by Monitoring center with the use of modern innovations in the construction sector is aimed to protect citizens' labor rights in the field of construction, provide with the social benefits and strengthen the control over the labor relations. The monitorings have been continuing by the Center and the results will be regularly announced.

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