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ASAN Volunteers Stage Their Next Performance

At the Cultural Center of the State Security Service, ASAN volunteers presented a stage adaptation of Ilyas Afandiyev's play "Khursidbanu Natavan" in English

The event was attended by Ulvi Mehdiyev, Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Aydin Karimov, Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in Shusha District, and ASAN volunteers.

Dedicated to the National Salvation Day on June 15, the play was organized by the "Culture Ambassador" program of the "ASAN Volunteers" Organization with financial support from the Youth Foundation.

The purpose of this theatrical work, prepared by 18 ASAN volunteers, is to promote the history, rich culture, and traditions of Karabakh through the themes of the play.

The event, attended by more than 600 spectators, concluded with the volunteers being awarded and a commemorative photo session.

Overall, within the framework of the "Culture Ambassador" program, over 100 performances and art exhibitions, and more than 500 masterclasses have been held to date.

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